
[:en]No Longer Bound to Binge[:fr]Ne plus être contraint à la frénésie[:]

[:en] Binge eating is a painful disorder, both physically and mentally, that has a gift for making us feel worthless, undeserving, and lazy. Wildly misunderstood, it is an addiction that controls our impulses with a rush of dopamine that accompanies each binge. Skeptics and self-proclaimed “health experts” look down upon those who struggle with binge

[:en]No Longer Bound to Binge[:fr]Ne plus être contraint à la frénésie[:] Read More »

Explore Your Personal Wellness

[:en]Well-being is a multifaceted concept that encompasses several important aspects of life. Think of your wellness as a wheel, subdivided into 6 sections, each of which represents a significant area of your life:  1) Physical Wellness: are you sleeping and exercising enough, eating well and maintaining a reasonably healthy weight? Perfection is never the goal

Explore Your Personal Wellness Read More »

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